Ramadan Tafseer 2015 Day 4

Daood Butt


Channel: Daood Butt


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Episode Notes

Explanation of Surah An-Nisaa verse 24 until verse 27 of Surah Al-Maidah


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The speaker discusses the importance of practicing Islam while drinking and avoiding fraud in order to achieve spiritual health and prosperity. They emphasize the need for privacy and encourage listeners to learn about common practices. The transcript also touches on personal and professional topics, including the use of "ham" in verse 49 and the importance of practicing Islam while drinking.

AI Generated Transcript ©

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via email most selling maybe you never have even Mohammed Denali of Goddess Allah to attend with a slim mvat my brothers and sisters in Islam sent Mr. La Kumara Mentawai robotic cattle

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I know we've been fasting for many hours but I feed off of your energy

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and I need to go on for an hour inshallah. So I need that so we'll continue inshallah. inshallah Tana today we said, we will begin sort of Tunis that we were supposed to begin it yesterday and do

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a few verses, but we'll start it today in Charlottetown. And we'll go until verse number 27 of soda tomorrow.

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Okay, so tonight The man is going to recite juice and a half again tonight and shut up, because it's a Saturday night. So at the beginning of sort of the Nissan muscle Carnival with your highness says

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he minashi banja wa jeem Bismillah Hiroshima and yet he him? Yeah.

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the MENA region Cathy young manisa.

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loss of Hannah who attended begins this surah which is known as Surah Nisa, the surah of the women right? And unless some kind of words are highlighted, dedicates this surah towards discussing a few topics related to women related to marriage related to the family and so on and so forth. And at the very beginning, Allah subhana wa Jalla begins by saying Yeah, and Johan has doubled.

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Back home a lady holla Kaku Neff Suma Haider. He reminds us of the importance of having taqwa and fearing the one who created us now I don't like to use the word fear but sometimes it actually is being used in the context of fear. Right? When we say it, that the law you tell someone in tequila fear Allah, you're not saying have Taqwa Allah. You know put the whole components of tequila together you're telling the person fear Allah subhana wa Tada. All right. So in some cases, when we see the word,

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it doesn't be right. to fear of loss of habitat actually does mean fear him. So fear of loss of habitat is punishment. Should you do something that he dislikes, he is the one who created you from one soul mean Neff sin wahida, wahala, caminhadas, jaha. And created from it, its mate, who is Allah subhanho wa Taala. referring to here, Adam alayhis salam and Hawa. Right. And we said that we would touch upon that

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the creation of Adam and how and how Adam alayhis salaam was created and molded, and we discussed that but how it was created from the bend to rip as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, and a lot of women become very, you know, sensitive with this topic and say, why is it that we were created from a bent rip? Right? If you straighten the rib it breaks? Well, the question is, first of all, which rib bone? Do you know of? That is straight? Are there any straight rib, you know, bones, the bones in your rib cage? Are any of them straight? No, they're all bent. So first of all, there's no such thing as a straight rib bone, right? Second of all, Allah subhanho wa Taala created. Eve or

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However, not all of women created her specifically from this rib that was taken from a live being something that already had life in it, something that Allah subhanho wa Taala had already blown a soul into which was Adam alayhis salam. And this shows Status of Women, that Allah subhanho wa Taala took the components of the earth, soil and mud and clay and put them together and made Adam Allah His center. And after putting life into Adam, took part of Adam either his son, and from that made Hauer something that already had life in it. So women shouldn't feel as though you know, we were created from from men, so we're lesser than men and you know, we're created from a bench read, if

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you were to straighten it will crack yet even if you were to try and straighten the men in his ways, he will crack as well. Right? And this is a lesson for men. For husbands in particular. Don't try and force your spouse to be the person you expect her to be when you married her, the way that

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She is right. And you live with her and you know how she is you know how her ways are. And then you expect her to be a certain person and you try to force that upon her. And when you continue to do that, you end up putting pressure and putting pressure and putting more pressure. And what happens when you put pressure on any item, it breaks, right? It breaks. So Allah subhanho wa Taala Hannah's telling us men, as well, that this is a lesson for you. Don't put too much pressure on your spouse. Right? Take it easy. Be honest, be just be fair in your dealings with your spouse. In verse number three, Allah Subhana Allah Allah here, he mentions the permission to marry up to four wives, right

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and this is permissible in our Deen islamically. Correct. But Allah subhana wa Tada, Allah says, we're in Clifton. 1315, Allah, Daddy ruffolo, where he got an Obama kit a man for in the 50s if you fear that you're not going to do justice to more than one spouse than one is enough for you. And this is a point for us to reflect on that a lot of people men in particular, this is what we're referring to. They feel as though they can do justice to having more than one wife, they can do justice to both, or three of them, or four of them. And so kinda it's really not easy. It's not something that is easy, and not something that's easily comprehendible. It's not something that we

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can, you know, simply say, Oh, you know what you're not doing, you're not doing the laundry, you're not doing enough at home, you're not cooking every single day, I'll marry a second wife so that, you know, the two of you can share the chores. Well, wait a second, there, there's gonna be two households now. Right? So there's double the chores, double the amount of things to do. If you can't do justice to one, then how do you expect to do justice to two or three or four? And so Allah subhanho wa Taala points out the importance here, that yes, it might be permissible islamically. But even though it is permissible, he reminds you that if you can't do justice, when is enough for you?

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Don't expect more. Don't think that Oh, you know what? I? You know, the way Allah created me, I need more than one wife, my desires are going crazy. No, your desires can be fulfilled with that one wife. If they can't, then you need to tweak something in your marriage. Then Allah Subhana Allah to hand in verse number four, he goes on to talk about the dowry.

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medikit Amen. Oh, yes. So obviously, this is referring to at the time when there was slaves, we have no slaves around at this time, right. So during the time when there was slavery, it was permissible for a man if he wanted to have relations with his with his, with his servant, then this was permissible. But this is not permissible now, because we don't see any slaves around. Of course, it still is permissible if there were slaves and servants of that sort. That still lived amongst us. A lot more Adam, from what I've seen, I don't see slavery as slavery was at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam present today, right? I don't see this around. So in my opinion, and the

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opinion that I follow from my scholars and teachers, that I learned from slavery is not existent today. The slavery that was at that time, the slavery that we have today is completely different. At the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Your servant, which we refer to them more as a servant, rather than a slave, your servant would wear the same clothing that you would wear. So if you wear a Giorgio Armani suit, you better be sure to buy that suit, or give a similar suit to your servant, right? The clothing that you wear, they would wear the similar types of clothing, the food that you would eat, they would eat this similar the same types of food as well. So if you need your

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five course meals, then they expect to have a five course meal from you also, because they help you and serve you, and you should be giving that back to them. And that's how Islam told us or taught us to treat those that serve us right. Then Allah Subhana Allah to Allah in verse number four goes on to mention the dowry and how the dowry is compulsory in in a marriage. So when you're going to marry someone, it's compulsory for you to give them a dowry. Right, the husband gives it to the wife, and this is a map right? I don't like to use the term dowry, because dowry is slightly different than the mouth. The mother is a gift that you give to the wife to the spouse. We spoke about it

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yesterday. We're not going to spend too much time on it. But Allah subhanho wa Taala here focuses on the aspect of it being compulsory, something that you give to the spouse to the to the wife, it could be money, it could be gold, it could be silver jewelry, it could be something that you purchase in terms of an item and materialistic items. It can be something that you will do in the future. For example, you will teach your spouse how to recite the Quran, you will teach them to read you will teach them the knowledge that you gain you sit down with them for an hour or two hours every day, every week, whatever the deal is, whatever you agree to, that is that could also be part

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of your dowry, but it should be something

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thing that they can use something that is beneficial and not just something that you say, Oh, you know what I'm gonna, I'm gonna buy you a bouquet of flowers and that's the end of it. Well, you can't really use that something that they can use. See if you're giving them knowledge they can use this knowledge in the future and is beneficial for them beneficial for your children and so on and so forth. In verse number six, Allah subhana wa tada goes into discussing honesty,

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with regards to dealing with orphans and their wealth, so orphans and their wealth. And I'm not going to recite all the verses, I realized in the past few days, reciting all the verses takes a lot of time. So every now and then we will focus on some of the verses point out some of the the showerhead the important items, or the important part of a verse and I won't recite all the verses, some of them are extremely long.

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So unless of hanaway to add it here in verse number six, he talks about orphans and how orphans, if you're looking after an orphan, your orphan child might have wealth that belongs to them. Maybe they inherited from their parents, right, or the father that passed away, for example, because an orphan islamically is a child who has no father, and is below the age of maturity. Right. So someone who's below the age of maturity, and I won't say 18, because in Canada, we set the limit as 18. But islamically it's someone who is not mature yet, meaning someone who does not have to praise Allah, as it is compulsory upon them yet, so a child who might be 15, who is no longer mature, meaning the

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signs of puberty are upon them, you can tell that this is someone who's mature, they might be 15 years old, and they're considered an adult in Islam, even though legally Canadian, according to the Canadian law, it's 18, right? Or 19, depending on whatever we're discussing. So Allah subhanho, wa Taala, he was talking about the orphans, a person who has known father, but could possibly have a mother, right? So the mother might still be alive. And that's important for us to understand, because a lot of the time we look at families and say, Oh, you know, but they have a mother, the mother is a single mother, she can go and work she could still provide for the family. But those

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children are still considered orphan children. They're still considered orphan children, even though they might live in a house, the mother might have a job. But if we look after those children and help the wife or help the, you know, that the mother of those children, then you know, we're doing a good sadaqa and we're helping orphan children in that sense, even though they have a mother. So Allah subhanho wa Taala here discusses

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the orphans and he says and test the orphans in their abilities until they reach marriageable age, so test them in terms of being capable of looking after their own wealth. Right. And this is something we should try and do with our children as well, even though they're not orphan children. Give them some wealth and test them with it. What are they going to do with it? Do they know how to save? Do they know how to spend Do they know how to buy Do they know how to calculate the change when they buy something and purchase? Do they know how to set aside a certain amount of the money that you give them in terms of savings and something they can use for spending and so on and so

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forth? In verse number seven to 14 Allah subhana wa tada here, he discusses inheritance.

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Sorry, number seven, verse number seven to 14 Allah subhana wa tada says, live the journey no sleep boom meme. Tama Kenworthy, Danny once upon a boon Allah Nisa in asleep boom meme tarak one in Nisa, you know, sleep meme, Tara kelmarsh unwearied and even a korakuen m en la min. Careful now sleeve. foo bar for men is a share of what the parents and close relatives leave and for women is a share of what the parents and close relatives leave, but it is little B little or much, whether the amount that is inherited is a little bit or a lot is totally irrelevant, an obligatory share. So this is something which must be given or is given or divided amongst a family members after the person has

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passed away. And this is done with the observation of a scholar so someone who knows how to divide wealth. If you ask me how to do it, I will tell you, I will not try. Why? Because I've learnt it. I've tried it, we've been tested on it, right? We've had to calculate it. But it's not something that I like to do. It's not something I have a passion for. Because it's very complex. It is extremely complex. The person who's going to look into dividing the the the wealth of the inheritance has to look at what was left behind in terms of money in terms of property who is still alive from the family members, who is eligible to inherit who isn't. If there's one child, two

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children, three children, if there's boys and girls if he had a wife or not, or she had a husband or not. If there's brothers and

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Sisters, it is extremely complex. And so it's something that takes a lot of time, a lot of patience, a lot of concentration. And it's, it's not an easy task, it takes time, it definitely takes time. Right? So Allah subhanho wa Taala, he focuses on these as these verses at the beginning of the corner. And he talks about inheritance, he talks about will and then the division of wealth, and this is the steps that you take, right? You clear out the debts when someone passes away, you clear out the debt. So if they had any loans or any sort of debt that they owe, from the wealth that they leave behind, you pay off their debt, then whatever is left, you divide the amount that or you

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subtract the amount that will go towards what is left in in terms of the will. So this person might have had a will and said, you know, and we know that the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as you mentioned in a Hadeeth. To leave one third is is is good, right to leave one third from your from your wealth in terms of giving it away to people that you wish to have some of your wealth that you write in your will, this is okay to give more and to give all is not recommended because then your family members that should inherit from you won't get because then it comes to them. So first you clear out the debts, then you give away what was left behind in the world. This

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was a wish from the person who passed away that for example, you and you and you would get some portion of the money, the wealth that's left behind. Once that's given, then whatever is left, that goes to the inheritance, the inheritors, those that will collect the wealth that was left behind from the person that passed away. So Allah subhanho wa Taala discusses that there. And in verse number 15, and 1616, he goes into the wisdom in the punishment of an adulterer or an adulterous and we'll touch upon this very shortly in Charlottetown. Because there's wisdom behind it. It's not simply a punishment. It's not you've committed a crime and this is a punishment for you. You've you

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know, committed an illegal sexual act with someone, you're married and you should not have done this. And this is your punishment. It's not simply a punishment from the crime. It is something that is that has a lot of wisdom behind it. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran, we're letting teen alpha he shot me Nisa, he confessed a sheet in

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column for shahidul Mc kumaun nephele. Bu t hat. tawaf

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moto Johanna la gulaman sebelah one leather Nia Tiana

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Lauren Houma in Omaha, Canada.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala. Here, he focuses on the aspect of having four witnesses.

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And it's important for us to understand this because today we tend to hear that someone did something, or we accuse them of doing something and we say, oh, they've done it. And in Islamic countries or countries that use the Sharia, I wouldn't necessarily say Islamic countries, but countries that use the Islamic Sharia law to govern the people, they will

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expect to have four witnesses. And if there are not four witnesses, if a few people come and accuse this person or those two people of committing this illegal act, according to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And there's less than four, then those three people or two people or one person that cannot produce four witnesses, that person will receive the punishment of the of the people that are being accused of committing the act. Why?

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There's wisdom behind it, right? That's what we're saying. There's wisdom behind it. Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us the importance of staying away from that act. And a person who wants to try and accuse someone will you better be sure. And if you're not sure, then zip it.

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If you have something good to say, right? Men can be lazy when your mill acid failure can hiren Olia Smith, if you have nothing good to say. And you don't have your four witnesses. And this is something that's not good. You're not spreading goodness by saying, Oh, this person, those two people committed this act, there's no need for you to say it. Just zip it close your mouth, they did something. It was a mistake. If they come to you in seek of assistance. They need some sort of assistance help. They want you to help them get through this, you know, this issue that they're going through, help them but don't spread the rumor across you know, the community, throw it into

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the family members and so on. Make sure that this stays silent, keep it to yourself. Right. And those that witness it actually have to witness the act itself happening.

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And I don't want to go into detail because there's children here, but you have to witness exactly what is happening. And if you can't, then you receive that punishment. Right? So Allah subhanho wa Taala. He's very severe in this, because of the wisdom behind it. Now you ask yourself, someone who witnesses a person being stoned.

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And I've seen this being done. When I was in Saudi, we saw the actual hole being dug in the ground, to put a person in it that committed adultery, and they would put them in it. And then from behind, there would be a, you know, like a dump truck would dump some stones, little pebbles, and they would be thrown at the person, right? I didn't witness stoning. But I saw the process being prepared.

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But I witnessed beheadings for beheadings to be exact, I witnessed for beheadings while I was in Medina, and when you see it, when you witness it, and when you see the punishment upon a person. And those beheadings were done, because those people had a few of them had committed, you know, murder, rape, and then murder, and you know, a couple of severe crimes. And so they were beheaded when you witness that it turns your life upside down.

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Like for two weeks, literally, I had trouble sleeping.

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I just couldn't sleep. You know, you watch movies, and you see it in the action movies all the time. And this is why I don't like to watch movies, because movies play with your emotions. And it's not reality. Right? You start to feel sad when these two people, you know, they they break up in their marriage or their relationship. And it's all false emotions, right? It's fake. It's not true. It's not real. But you when you witness the real thing happening, when you witness a real beheading, not just you know, this action movie with guns and all this stuff, but the real thing happening, you can't sleep, you literally can't sleep, it changes your life. You're scared of ever going down that

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path, you fear being put in the position of that person who completely submits to Allah subhanho wa Taala had, they themselves bow down, they themselves have their hands behind their back and sit there and just wait for for the executioner to take the sword and swipe. Right. They submit to Allah subhanho wa Taala they know that they will receive their punishment in the hereafter if they don't submit in this life. And so also kind of had to Allah in His wisdom, he puts such a huge amount of emphasis on this. And he makes it such a severe thing, not as a punishment that's given to every single person. If a person seeks forgiveness and repents, then the judge will let them go based on

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their situation and you know, the case that they're dealing with. And so it's not every single person that's that that will become executed. Not every single person person will be stoned. And we know the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as the judge of Medina, when people would come to him, for example, there was a time when she came and said, You know what, I committed adultery, she he turned, he turned his face away, and totally ignored her. Right? And did that two times three times, ignoring it just let it go, go Go ask Allah subhana wa tada for forgiveness. And don't bring this publicly Leave it, you know, conceal it to yourself and to Allah subhanho wa Taala and don't

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publicize this. And so we don't want to spend too much time on that. But Allah subhana wa tada he sternly comes forth and talks about this in the

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in verses 17 to 22 Allah subhanho wa Taala he advises us not to mistreat women versus 17 to 22 he advises us not to mistreat women do not inherit women as well. And this was a practice of those,

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you know, the the, the people that lived during the time of jet hadiah, what they would do is, if I was married, for example, and I've passed away, right, then my wife,

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when will after my death, she would be a person that would be inherited by the other family members, by the brothers, for example. And so she would get passed down and get passed down and get passed down. Right from one person to the other. So she herself would be inherited. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala stopped this. He stopped it. It's not something that's liked by a person, by the by the wife by the woman, that I now don't have a choice who I get to live with, who I get to share my intimacy with, who I get to share the rest of my life with. She doesn't have a choice and Allah subhanho wa Taala stopped that and gave woman her choice. Allah subhanho wa Taala. You know, when

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people say Islam doesn't give women choice, Islam came to give women choice. Before Islam, women didn't have that choice. They would just get passed on. They wouldn't get to choose. They wouldn't have a say in who in who they want to marry.

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Islam gives them the choice. If you want to marry this person when the proposal comes, say yes or say no, if you if you completely remain silent while you're silence in terms of marriage, that is your acceptance. And this is why I always tell our sisters, you know, those, especially from the Pakistani and Indian descent, because I know my father is Pakistani, it's part of the culture where the daughter, she feels shy to tell her parents, no, I'm not interested in this person. Well, your silence is your consent. So speak up. And you should teach this to your sisters. teach it to your daughters, if you are not happy with this person, tell us you're not happy. Don't just remain silent

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and we feel Oh, you're just being shy, because you're too shy to say anything. It's marriage. And, you know, you've never dealt with a man before. And it's all cloud nine. And all feelings are rushing through your mind and your body and you don't know what to say you don't know how to react. So the parents think, Okay, I have the law. You're okay with this, right? Because you're shy, you know, if you're not happy with it, Speak up. Speak up. And I deal with and I've dealt with many sisters, specifically from Pakistan, who complained about this. We were forced into marriage. And when I asked them, you were forced into marriage. When you were asked, Do you want to marry this

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person? Did you say no, no, no, I can't say no to my parents. Well, then you weren't forced into marriage. You're forced into it when you say no, no, no, you keep saying no. And no one listens to you. That's force. But when you don't say anything, you say, Well, I can't say no to my parents. Oh, yes. You can say no to your parents. Because Allah Subhana Allah gives you that chance that choice to say no, if you want to, if you want to say no, in terms of marrying this person, then say it, right? And so please, my brother's

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educate your family members about this, because it's not a pretty sight, the year two years, three years down the line, when the husband and wife don't get along. And it's simply because she couldn't say no, or she felt like I can't say no, how can I say no? Right? Please educate your family members. So Allah subhanho wa Taala, that he abolished this inheritance of the woman.

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He also in these verses teaches us how to treat our spouse with respect and treat women with respect and not to marry the father's wife. He also mentioned that when the father passes away, if she was married, if he was married to someone, let's say she's not your mother, right? Your father was married to another woman. Maybe he had more than one wife or your mother passed away and he married someone else who might have been younger. You cannot marry this person. Right?

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Sir a friend or relative of this brother or

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friend or relative of this brother?

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No one knows this brother.

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Does anybody here know that that brother? No one

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can someone just go and check to see that he has a family member or a friend or relative someone around that can be with him.

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We'll move on in Charlottetown a diverse number 29

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verse number 29. Allah subhanho wa Taala forbids murder and suicide. And this is an important part that I actually really want to recite. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Yeah, Johan la Vina Ooh, la kulu. Amman benina Bilbo Queenie in

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takuna t Zhao, in

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takuna. t. Jonathan.

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Come while at

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full sail come in. Can Evie con Rahim? Allah subhanho wa Taala here says one, taco two, two and four second. Don't kill yourself. Don't commit suicide. Don't commit murder to others, but don't place it upon yourself. And the reason why I wanted to focus on this and this is especially for our youth. Because I know a lot of youth today are very confused. They see the news and what's happening on TV and the media. And they think Oh, you know what we need to go and fight we need to go and sacrifice ourselves for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and go and do a bunch of things that are not even legislated upon us at this point in time. And so

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Allah subhanho wa Taala here is referring to suicide we see that this happens on the news suicide bomber in the bus, suicide bomber and the train suicide bomber over here suicide bomber over there. That is not Islamic. It's in the Quran write it down if you ever want proof for it verse number 29 of autumn Nisa wala Taku fusa calm, do not kill yourself. And this is not only referring to someone going in battle or going and fighting. It was reported at the time of the profits on a longer I think he was on them that I'm at a loss of the lover and he was traveling during one of the expeditions. And he woke up one morning after having a wet dream. This is from the son of the

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Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. There's nothing that we should be shy or ashamed of. He woke up one morning after having a wet dream. He's a men an adult, and it was cold. So he didn't want to go and take a closer look. So he decided to simply make a move and to continue on praying and doing whatever he had to do.

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When he returned to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he told him what happened. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, you know, you're restricting yourself from sought out by, you know, performing to know when you could have made with who you could have taken the hustle. And he said, the auto sort of law you know, it was cold, and I feared death would i would place death upon myself if I took listen. So here he's giving an example of how he feared committing suicide or murder to his own self taking his own life simply by performing Listen, right. And this verse applied in that sense as well. He quoted this verse, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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then smiled. He smiled, and said, you know what I am home is enough for you. In this case, a young mom is enough for you in this case, that you don't have to perform a lesson if you fear death upon yourself. And this also applies in that case, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said for those that do extreme things or go abroad, and you notice that, you know, extremism happens in terms of suicide bombings and killings and so on. Allah Subhana Allah to Allah forbid it in the Quran, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also spoke about it in a hadith by Imam Ahmed, in a very lengthy Hadith where he talks about specific types of suicide or specific items used to commit

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suicide, and another Hadeeth, is mentioned in Bukhari and Muslim. The profits on a long either he was one of them said, Whoever kills himself with an instrument will be punished with it on the day of judgment on the Day of Resurrection. So a person who kills themselves using an instrument, either you slit your wrists. Now, if someone is mentally disturbed, that's a different case. There's a mental problem. There's a mental, you know, case and issue. This is a completely different rooming completely different rooming. So don't think ever that someone for example, one day you come to the masjid and there's an agenda for someone who is a mentally challenged person or someone who is

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receiving treatment because of a chemical imbalance or something in their brain or their mind that led them to do this. Right.

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And they took their life don't think that you don't have to pray there. janaza prayer janessa praying either janessa this was someone who Salah is not even compulsory upon them.

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Someone whose mind is not there, they're not mentally there, Salah is not even compulsory upon them. Allah subhanho wa Taala he himself has mercy upon the person. So don't be so stern and have no mercy upon this person and don't pray their genetic pray it, pray, they're generous, okay, but a person who goes and commits suicide, someone who, you know, straps bombs onto themselves and goes to other countries and says this is what we need to do. And this is, you know, doing it under the banner of Islam and so on and so forth. Whether the media is portraying it as true or not the last panel that Allah knows best, but a person who does that is not doing it under the banner of Islam. Allah

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subhanho wa Taala warns us against it. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warns us against it. And it was not a tactic used during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the battlefield as well, that you just go in and do things to harm others by sacrificing your life. It was not done and should not be done and is not part of Islam. And this is why I wanted to focus on it. In verse number 35, Allah subhanho wa Taala goes on to talk about how it's important for us to appoint two arbitrators if a husband and wife have difficulty in their marriage. So you have you know, arguments constantly, and you say we're going to go to someone who's going to resolve our

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matter. Well, sometimes what you need to do is listen to this verse, or Allah Subhana Allah to Allah says in the verse that you should appoint someone from each side, each party, so the husband appoints someone and the wife appoints someone else.

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Right. And those two people will look at how these two can either come to common grounds in their marriage or just break apart.

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Sometimes it's better to simply go your own way. Right? And so these two people will look at it from an outsider's point of view, and they will be able to give you a better judgment based on who you are as a person. And sometimes when you're in the middle of, you know, discussion or argument as between husband and wife, you know, things get carried out of hand, right? And so when there's two outsiders that are dealing with it and overlooking the case, then Allah subhanho wa Taala blesses that and puts it in and Buttercup in it, as he mentions that there should be two people that are arbitrary adding between the husband and wife that are appointed each from each side. In verse

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number 43, Allah subhanho wa Taala goes on to discuss the prohibition of praying while drunk or in the state of job, loss of pan which is is a UI Latina Amanullah Takara masala Tom suka had data Rama takuna Jr. When he Larabee Sabine had told us you know, what you

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suffering I

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mean, camino

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de misto manisa Fnm taggi Duma fatin mo sorry, de

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femme sacral from second will be module II como a de come in Maha can.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala he talks about the person who is in the state of job but before that talks about a person who is drunk and how they should not approach sada now we know that it is not permissible to drink alcohol. But if someone did go and drink alcohol, it's a sin. Should they go and pray? If you see them, and you say, you know what, brother? What are you doing? You shouldn't be doing this, come, come, come, let's go pray. Let's Let's ask Allah Subhana Allah to forgive, you know, don't bring them to pray. They are not allowed to pray in that state. Let them you know, let them get over it, that that hangover period, you know, and let them come back to their senses. And

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then speak to them, then talk to them about praying, then encourage them. If you encourage them at the time when they're drunk. They're not going to remember it tomorrow anyways, right? They might remember bits and pieces they might not remember anything at all right? We'll take questions after inshallah. So a person who's in that state.

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Don't even don't don't bother to have them, pray, stay with them, guide them, assist them, be with them, don't just leave them and ditch them and say, You know what, tomorrow I'm going to come back and speak to them, be with them, spend time with them, right? Help them to get through this this problem that they're going through in their life, when they are sober when they're fine. Encourage them to pray. Why? The wisdom behind it is a person who is drunk doesn't know what they're saying in Salah. They don't know what they're reciting. They don't know the verses that they're reciting of the Quran. They don't know what they're saying. They might utter statements of shift. And even

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though what they're doing in terms of drinking, the alcohol is forbidden in Islam, it's a sin. It doesn't take them outside of Islam. It's a sin. It's a major sin. But it's not something that removes them from Islam. Whereas their utterance, their statement of something that could be shipped would take them out of Islam. Right. So don't encourage them to pray in that state. Also the person Allah Subhana, Allah mentions that is in the state of job, a person who either had a wet dream, or you know, had relations with their spouse is in the state of an impurity where they're not to pray, then this person must obviously take a listen before coming to pray. Now, I didn't want to mention

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this. But when I was teaching this once a few months ago in a different mustard, you wouldn't believe but there's a lot of Muslims that don't know after having relations with their spouse in order to pray fudger you you don't only make will do you have to take a shower. You have to take a whistle. Right? And part of the whistle is to make although as well. So you have to wash yourself. And then the last one, how do I to hide it? He gives us a moment of leniency. Meaning if you don't have water,

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there's no water around. And you need to perform to me you had a wet dream, let's say and you need to sorry, you need to take a listen. But you don't have water. What should you do? You don't even have water to make Lulu Allah Subhana Allah says simply make tayang and pray. Now you're probably wondering this would never happen to us. We're not in the desert. We have lots of water, right?

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It's happened to a colleague of mine when I was in Medina, we were flying back to Medina and while in the plane, he had a wet dream.

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How do you take a whistle while flying in a plane?

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We asked our teacher and he said go to the first class cabin, their bathrooms are bigger. Just do performance also by wetting your hands and putting the water over you and stuff like that if you can, if you can't, then what do you do? Now we think that these verses are primitive, right? We always read the Quran and think, Okay, this would never happen to us. We have a lot of water. We live in Canada, we have the Great Lakes, we have water in abundance, we open the taps, we open the showers, it comes out nonstop. But somehow What if you're in the plane? What do you do? Right? What if you're in the plane and you're flying and there's turbulence and the seatbelt sign is on? You

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have to pray you're sought out? What do you do? You simply make a emblem on the back of the seat in front of you and you pray. Simple. If you make a move, and you pray, how do you make a emblem in order to save time? Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the verse, you simply touch the ground, one strike on the ground, right? Wherever there's dust, not dirt, not mud, not something that's dirty, that's going to make you dirty. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went to clean areas, clean grounds, clean sand, clean dust, simply tap your hands on the ground once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a narration was, was reported that he just blew on his hands, blew that whatever

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excess dust was there, off his hands, wiped it on his face and then wiped his hands and pray. simple, very easy. Not wipe bit, rub your mouth, rub your nose, rub your face, rub your arms, you know rub over your head, do your muscles and then wipe your feet. No, very simple, very easy. And that's our Deen in times of difficulty of handling your hand that makes things easy. Then also kind of went ahead and goes on in verse number

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48 Allah subhanho wa Taala and verse number 48 as well as 116 of the same surah Allah Subhana Allah to Allah says in the law Hello funeral au Shahrukh eBay Oh funeral Madonna the new Kenny maneesha woman he usually Kabila. He forgot if Tara Eastman Nara Lima, in the La La you have a few unusual naka de la some kind of Allah here says in verse number 116, as well, he highlights the fact that he will not forgive shipped, but he will forgive every other sin that you can commit. If he wills if he wills so don't think oh, you know, Allah is gonna forgive me. He says you'll forgive everything except ship. He can. And he wants to forgive everything except shift. But you have to also want that

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to you can't just commit sin upon sin upon sin and think oh, you know, analyst for Hamilton is going to forgive me. He wants to forgive you. But he wants to see from you that you want forgiveness as well. Right? So ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah for forgiveness, anything that you've done in your past, alcohol, adultery or you know, Xena or sleeping with someone of the opposite gender that you shouldn't have etcetera, etcetera doing things, you know, harming people stealing cheating, Riba interest and so on and so forth. ask Allah subhana wa tada for forgiveness. He forgives everything except schicke. Now this is important for us to understand. Because here we learned that Allah

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Subhana Allah forgives, wants to forgive, loves to forgive, but he will not forgive shift. What is shift? How many of us really know what schilke is? And I won't go into the examples because we'll be here forever. But for us to understand what our belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala is when we say la ilaha illAllah Muhammad Allah subhana wa la dama we believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala there's no other deity worthy of worship except Allah subhanho wa Taala What does that mean? That means we only worship him, but we need to know what things or actions or statements we could say or do that we would fall into ship. So it's important for us to learn not only the oneness of Allah subhana wa

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Tada, but to learn what will take us into the disobedience and displeasure of a loss of Carnival or to add in verses number 44 to 55. We won't go through all these verses obviously. But from 44 to 45. Allah subhanho wa Taala refers to the Jews and the Christians.

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He talks about the Jews and the Christians and Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions a few corrections in their ways, and how calling them to Islam and how you know there's commonalities between Islam and Judaism and Christianity that we discussed yesterday for those that weren't here. We touched upon this topic yesterday. And Allah subhanho wa Taala invites them to Islam in these verses, tells them come listen, speak. Look, there's there's things that we can discuss, that are common in our religion, right. So we should learn

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These commonalities and try to discuss them with those that are of other faiths and other beliefs. In verse number 59, Allah subhanho wa Taala he commands us to obey a law. Yeah, a Johann Latina man will appear on law

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masuaku obey Allah subhanho wa Taala obey the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, what would it mean to come

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and to obey the people, the rulers, those that have been placed in charge of looking after the lens that we reside in or looking after the places that we are or the people that community and so on and so forth, basically those in authority so obey Allah subhana wa tada obey the messenger and respect those that are in charge of or in authority over us.

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about Allah subhanho wa Taala then says that tena is Arizona fishing following duo who you know know who you are.

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And if you differ in something, there's you know, dispute amongst you in something, then refer back to Allah subhana wa tada and His Messenger when he says his messenger, he's referring to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam right? And how he governed people how he you know, sorted out matters and so on and so forth. So Allah so kindly to Allah tells us obey Allah subhanho wa Taala obey the messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and respect and obey those that are in charge of you in terms of authority. But if there's a dispute, then return back to Allah and His Messenger because in it, you will find the truth. Then Allah subhana wa Tada. He goes on to say in verse

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number 69

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Well, my elearning

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he camarilla Deena neuroma la hora de mina nebby novel sleep dp nama shuhada emo Swanee, y hacer una ecoffee Allah subhanho wa Taala says And whoever obeys Allah and the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, those will be with the ones upon whom Allah has bestowed favor of the prophets. So he will put you in terms of classification, those who obey Allah Subhana, Allah and His Messenger, He will bless you with the ability to be with the following

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with his prophets and narrabeen was the dean right, those who were righteous those who were steadfast upon

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the truth of Allah subhanho wa Taala was Shahada, the martyrs was Sani hain, the righteous were Hassan Allah, he can offer your part. Allah subhanho wa Taala says an excellent are those as companions. All you have to do is obey Allah subhana wa tada and His Messenger and you get placed in those rankings. But you need to be obedient to Allah subhanho wa Taala as much as you possibly can.

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And so it's a beautiful blessing, a beautiful nirma that's placed upon us to be from amongst a nabin was the de 18 was shuhada was Sani hain in general amongst the ranks of those people, to be with them on the Day of Judgment, to go and stand beside the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to drink from the hands of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to enjoy yourself in a time when other people are not feeling any sort of enjoyment, to feel comfort and ease to feel that comfort on the Day of Judgment. That in itself is enough. in itself is enough, a day when the sun will be literally right above our heads when people will be drowning in their own sweat, to feel comfort to know that

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you're accepted from amongst the oma of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to know that Geneva is your final destination. And hamdulillah that's enough. But to get that we need to work extremely hard. And that work is not done in the hereafter. That work is done here. And now in verse number 80, a muscle panel what goes on

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to say what meal they're in law school f aka the upper arm.

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whoever obeys the Messenger of Allah has obeyed a law. whoever obeys the messenger has obeyed Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we know that the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam compliments

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in the Quran as we'll see very shortly. The at the beginning of the next Sula and sorta to Nikita the verse with regards to Lulu, right, the verse with regards to Hulu. It tells us how to make Hulu but how do we pray? It doesn't tell us in the Quran, how to pray we learned that from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam so the sun complements the

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And this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling us in these verses and this is, this is mentioned this verses mentioned after Allah subhana wa tada talks about jihad. And after this verse, Allah continues to talk about jihad. And throughout the surah, again and many other you know, areas in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about jihad, but I specifically refused to talk about it not because I'm scared to talk about the topic. It's part of our Deen, it's part of our plan. And we're going to resort to Toba in, you know, another Masjid after Ramadan, we continue our halaqa there. And you know, it goes through verses of jihad over and over and over. There's nothing that

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we're ashamed of in terms of our Deen. But the reason why I didn't talk about it here and won't talk about it now, is because if you look at the clock, we don't have time. And to open such a sensitive topic in a few minutes, is dangerous. It's very dangerous, not because we're scared of people on the outside, because we can clarify that. But we're scared that people might misunderstand. And people might, you know, jump up and go and do something that is not even, you know, written upon you at this point in time. And so, I'm not going to touch upon the verses of jihad simply because I do not want anyone to misunderstand anything. And then to take it out of context. Then Allah Subhana Allah

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to Allah in verse number 94.

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He goes on to say,

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and it's a long, long, but Allah subhanho wa Taala in this verse, he says, Do not say to someone who is greeting you as salaam, that you are not a believer, right? Allah subhanho wa Taala says in this verse

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where is it?

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Well ah Taku lemon, in a coma, Salah molest Amina,

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don't say to someone who says Salaam to you and here Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't use the word se set up right? demon undercar a person who literally drops it upon you. Right they drop senem upon you. And this is important for us to try and understand what is Allah subhana wa tada mean here Salim is being dropped upon you and the way he says it as well while Taku Nieman aka la sala. He's not saying set up a seller who is a seller

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who is a seller.

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And so Allah subhanho wa Taala here he says don't say to someone who drops upon you a Salah, meaning who is putting the blessing of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon you. When you say a Santa Anwar Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh you are placing this divine attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala you're asking a lot of place that upon this person. So it's like you're asking a lot take it and put it on them and Allah subhana wa tada here says the man in a coma said that they're actually you know, placing this upon you. They're giving you a Salaam Salaam from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Don't say to them, less than what Mina that you're not a believer. And here this verse was revealed, talking to

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those who are fighting in the battlefield alongside the hypocrites

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fighting alongside the hypocrites but we get from it a lesson as well. Sometimes as Muslims we're in the masjid and we see someone who we have a grudge against right we have a graduate this person they did something or said something that we disliked they spoke about us or spoke about our family right as we say don't talk about my mother right? They spoke about someone or something that you dislike and then one day they come to you and they say send Mr. alikhan and you look at them and you like

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you remember that day what you said right inside of you you don't even you don't respond to them. But all these thoughts are running through your mind and you're like, Who is this person think they are to come and give me some after what they've done to me after what they've done to this mustard after what they've done to the community after what they said after what they did. They come and they give some Who do they think they are?

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Who do you think you are? That's what Allah subhana wa tada is saying? Who do you think you are?

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Don't think that you can say less than one minute you don't deserve setup. If they're giving you sit down What does a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say to do? If someone gives you some give them Sallam in return better than or equal to what they give to you. Someone says a dilemma and even to use a wily como setup if they say a set mRNA from a document a lot say a Santa Monica Monica to LA or LA to LA he will but a cattle if they say a center or any camera talking about a cattle you better be sure to return a set Mr. Y la como cinema to ye rubber cattle, the full statement and add something if you want, but that's the minimum and that's the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam. So don't think they

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You're better than the person who's giving you a setup. You don't know what's in their heart. And this is what a lesson panel which is trying to teach us here. Then in verse number 105, Allah subhanho wa Taala he goes on to say, in

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you know, you can kita by being hoppin into a coma Bane Annecy. Bhima La

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Nina hos Lima, Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us the necessity of referring to the n in terms of judgment. If you have a dispute with someone or there's something that you don't know, go back to the car and you want to purchase a car, you don't know how to go back to the car and you don't find it in the car on how to purchase a car. Well, obviously, you're not go to the people who know the Koran and ask them I want to purchase a car, what are the different types of payments that I can use? What are the different methods of purchasing a car? How can I go about purchasing this? What do I need to do in any aspect of your life? Go to the people who have knowledge of the Quran and ask

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them this is what I want to do. How do I do this according to the deen so Allah subhana wa tada here is saying, in every single aspect of your life, go back to the poor and go to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as well look for the answer in terms of what's permissible, according to your deen and not simply what's permissible according to your land and nation and so on and so forth. We have to respect the laws of the land, this is part of our DNA as well. So for example, you're not wearing your seatbelt and you get a ticket. It's not on the ticket that you should be worried of not wearing your seatbelt because it goes against the laws of the lens is

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actually a sin in the deen because you're breaking the laws of the land that you live in.

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So you're being sinned for not wearing your seatbelt. And you're thinking I only It doesn't matter. It's only if the police catches me. You're speeding, and you're thinking only if the police catches me, I'll get a ticket. Well, you're getting a ticket with a loss of habitat because you're breaking the laws of the land. right for your safety and the safety of others. You're harming yourself and the people on the road. And this is not permissible. islamically right. In verse number 110, a loss of conduit to Allah continues to forgive those who seek forgiveness of their sins. He mentions, well, my era man is

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an elven enough Selling Author Maya stone Fini, La Jolla de de la for en la Haim. So it must have kind of like to Allah says that those who seek forgiveness from their sins, he continues to forgive, he wants to forgive, he loves to forgive and he will continue to do so. In verse 136, Allah subhana wa tada

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he gives the order to have faith after belief, which is a beautiful beautiful statement. Yeah.

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Um, you know, Bella, he was Sunni, he was Nikita

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Allah or Sunni, he will kita be lady.

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cobbler. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Yeah, you are Latina, ermanno amino, those who believe those who have faith, Believe, believe in what and you read the rest of the verse by the keytab lady and xlm in common. And Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the books and those who disbelieve in Allah subhanho wa Taala His angels, his books, his messengers, the last day has certainly gone astray as certainly, you know, a swayed away from the dean. So Allah Subhana Allah says, Yeah, you have Latina Amano, um, you know, don't just believe but believe. Right? You say you're a believer? Yeah. How much do you believe? That's the question, right? And then Allah subhana wa tada goes on in

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the next verse and verse number 137. Until verse number 146, he talks about the characteristics of hypocrites, and we won't go through them in sha Allah because we'll cover them in the other suitors to come. But he goes through the characteristics of the hypocrites, and then we move on to 176 where Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says in this verse, which is said to be one of the last verses, that was revealed, one of the possible last verses that was revealed by Allah subhanho wa Taala. But in other statements of the companions and the scholars, we know that it's probably a different verse that we'll cover shortly when we reach that verse. So this is the last verse of the of the sutra and

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Allah subhana wa tada here. He talks about a person, a woman who has no one to inherit from her, or for her to inherit from meaning there's no link to anyone else. And this is whether a woman or a man, Allah subhana wa tada talks about that at the very ending of this surah someone who has

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No one else. How is this, you know, divided their wealth in terms of inheritance, their status, where do they stand in society? and so on and so forth. So Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about that and the last verse of this sort of how many more minutes do we have until the end? That

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is three minutes. Okay, and shall not so we'll end here, because if we go into sort of EDA, it begins with talking about food.

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And so I think we should go into the metadata, which is actually the tablecloth that's what it means the tablecloth right? Or the spread where the food is, and the spread of food is waiting for us in sha Allah to Allah. So tomorrow we'll start with sudo ADA, and we'll go through a number of verses. I wanted to go through a few of the verses of soda tonight, but we'll cover them to warn shuttled off to Hannah or Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the animals which are halal, and those that are hot on upon us those that we can eat and can't eat. So let's go and eat from what Allah subhanho wa Taala has made Hylan for us and please remember to use these last few minutes into because this is a

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time where Doha is accepted. And you are a fasting person should you die in this state you enter agenda is located on a similar sentiment balconette abena Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam